If you want to learn about cryptocurrency or how to better predict BTC price – Swissborg community app is your best choice. You only need to guess if the price goes up or down every day and your activity will be rewarded with free CHSB tokens. Moreover, you might have a chance to earn a prize if you perform exceptionally well. Ready for a challenge?
Nice, install it now! Invitation/referral code: QGT2FZA
When you start using the app, it will give you an opportunity to earn free CHSB tokens, for example when predicting BTC correctly for more than once or being a loyal and active user. Tokens are paid once badges for different kind of achievements are earned. You will learn for yourself! 🙂
By the way, current CHSB price is pretty decent and we started when it was just around 0.3 USD per token:
Learn more about SwissBorg company and the token in their official website if you are interested or try their wallet and investment app.
But also try the Community app! You have nothing to lose. There is no investment needed, therefore it’s more like a game or educational app.
Click the button to download the app, invitation (referral) code: QGT2FZA
Or use this link: https://www.swissborg.com/community-app-referral
Of course don’t forget to use the invitation (referral) code: QGT2FZA
A few screenshots from the inside of the app:
Currently the app is still growing rapidly and building the community of users. For each newly joined member, the prize pool is grown by 1 USD, while the maximum prize cap is 500.000 USD. Therefore you are welcome to invite more friends and get your benefits.
So far there are 254.628 players in the app, consequently the prize pool – 254.628 USD. Even if you won’t win the prize, you will at least be better educated in cryptocurrency market and will be able to use your free CHSB for your further investments in the crypto world.
Click the button to download the app, invitation (referral) code: QGT2FZA

Disclaimer. Our aim with this short review and referral article is to increase awareness of this useful app we use ourselves and also to help grow the community for the bitcoin price prediction gaming and educational app – SwissBorg Community, which is also benefitial for us once we earn a few more badges for the invited users. We do not encourage to invest into cryptocurrency, especially if you don’t know anything about this kind of investments. Investing in cryptocurrency market is a risky endevour and requires deep financial and market knowledge. If you don’t have the necessary kwnowledge, we discourage you from doing so. We would not be responsible for any of your losses if you decide to invest real money into any cryptocurrency. Any tokens acquisition possibility from the SwissBorg Community app belongs to SwissBorg discretion and usage of potentially acquired tokens would be your own responsibility.